Support HCS
Keeping our tuition affordable for families means that HCS depends on the generosity of those who believe in the importance of offering a high-quality Christian education for children. In addition to your prayers, you can financially support HCS in a variety of ways (see "Make a Donation" page for the ways to send your donation):
Make a one-time donation
Become a monthly supporter
Supporting every month is as easy as mailing a check each month, or setting up a recurring payment online through your bank.
Help students in need of tuition aid with a monthly donation.
Spring Dollar Auction (March 18, 2022)
Mostaccioli Dinner (November 11, 2021 & February 3, 2022)
Maize & Blue Giving Gala (October 22, 2021) Envelope Fundraiser & Banquet
Amazon Smile-
Heart of Iowa School Tuition Donation- donating to this Iowa STO provides tuition grants for students AND may have tax benefits for those who donate (to receive a 65% tax credit you must be a resident of the state of Iowa).